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Terravita Ibiza Luxury Garden Design 006

5 tips to prepare your outdoor kitchen for winter

Protect your outdoor kitchen against the elements & prolong its life.

An outdoor kitchen will generally be out of use throughout the winter, particularly in colder climates, but they all need some preparation for this long, dormant period, along with the rest of your garden furniture and outdoor living spaces.

Terravita Ibiza Outdoor Dining Space Landscape Design
Terravita Ibiza Garden Design Ischia 020

The main issues are moisture, extreme changes in temperature, as well as pests. Depending on what materials your outdoor kitchen is constructed, exposure to the elements over the winter months can cause cements to crack, and wood to warp.  Also watch out for any nearby trees bearing  autumn fruit or berries, as wood and micro

cement can stain terribly, as well as some metals rusting.  Regular cleaning and taking care of your outdoor kitchen will keep it in tip top condition and help to prolong its life, meaning when the warmer weather rolls around your summer grilling plans won’t have to wait.

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5 tips to protect your outdoor kitchen for winter

Ideally start this process at the end of the summer or after your last use of the kitchen if you’re still enjoying the garden into the autumn.  Whenever you start putting your sun lounger cushions, patio furniture etc. away, is the perfect time to pack up the outdoor kitchen.

Follow these tips to winterise your outdoor kitchen:

1. Clear the kitchen out

Move small appliances inside your home and dispose of any perishables.  When spring arrives, you do not want to be faced with 6-month-old, unrefrigerated food!  We also advise clearing the counters and drawers, as well as bringing any utensils, pans and linens into the home for storing.

2. Disconnect & drain appliances

Ensure that you disconnect electrical appliances and gas bottles, as well as the water and electricity supply, plus we recommend replacing the plug in the sink, to prevent them being lost next year, which happens much more than you think.  Don’t forget to drain any residual water from the pipes including the fridge.

3. Deep cleaning

Give the whole kitchen including appliances a deep clean to remove grease or any food residue and prevent pests and smells, then leave drawers, cupboards and appliance doors open for a few hours to air and thoroughly dry out.

4. Wood Care

If you have wooden areas of the kitchen, they will benefit from both a protective treatment and applying a good quality natural oil to nourish the wood and protect from rot, mildew and destructive insects.  This ideally needs to be done in both spring and autumn.

5. Cover up

Cover the counters and large appliances.  We supply bespoke, made-to-measure covers for our outdoor kitchen projects, but you could also use waterproof tarpaulin and secure it well, so it won’t be blown away, but still allowing for air flow to avoid build-up of mildew.  If you have wooden cupboards and drawers, they should also be covered to prevent warping, especially if you have a roofless kitchen.  Think of this stage as battening down the hatches and protecting your outdoor kitchen from any extreme weather conditions and water ingress.

When warmer days reappear, uncover the kitchen and give it a good clean with soapy water to remove any mildew that may have formed.  Leave all the cupboards and drawers open for a couple of hours to give them a good airing and protect and oil any wooden parts.  When the kitchen is ready for use, connect the water, gas and electricity and test them thoroughly before use.

The outdoor kitchens featured are from Can Mar | Ischia | Nilow | Can Almendro |

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